Hyra och boka stuga på Åland - Harnäs stugor 2025

Hyr och boka stuga på Åland. Tornvilla och stugor att hyra.

Frequently asked questions

Can I book cottages directly through Harnäs stugor?

The answer is that it is very easy to book directly through us. We respond quickly both by email and phone.

When can I rent Tornvillan?

The answer is that Tornvillan is open all year round. Tornvillan is also open in winter.

Where can I read ratings about Tornvillan and the cottages?

Reviews of Harnäs cottages' rental properties can be found on Google, Tripadvisor, Eckerö Linjen and booking.com.

Does Tornvillan have electric car charger?

Yes and guets can use the charger without extra cost.

What are the prices for Harnäs cottages and Tornvilla?

Read the price list here.

What cottages do you have for rent? 

The name of the cottages is yellow cottage, red cottage and green cottage.

Is there a road for cars all the way to the cottages and Towervilla?


Can I drink the tap water in the cottages?


Are the cottages non-smoking?

Yes, all indoor smoking is prohibited.

Can I use the BBQ?

You can use the bbq outdoors as long as you are careful with the fire. We have bbq barrels. Fire safety is important and smoke detectors and fire extinguishers are available in all our rental properties.

Are pets allowed in your cottages and Tornvilla?

Yes, dogs and cats are allowed.

Where is the nearest grocery store?

The nearest grocery store is in Hammarland and is called Hugos. It is a Kesko store and also has a station where you can fill up with fuel.


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